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Yellow Vest



Q: What is the enrollment process?

The enrollment process begins by emailing our office at The office staff will give you a list of items to bring to an enrollment appointment. You must have all documents necessary before you can begin the enrollment process. We are a first come first serve basis.

Q: Can I do an in person tour?

We offer site tours to see the facility but ask that parents do not enter classrooms in order to not disrupt the children's activities.

Q: How do children qualify for financial assistance?

Please email the office to see if you qualify for our financial assistance program. We offer a free program for those income qualified for our families.

Q: Are meals provided?

Yes, snacks and lunch meals are included and are USDA and dietitian approved meals.

Q: Does a child need to be potty trained to attend preschool?

No, we work with parents when a child is ready for potty training. Families do need to provide diapers for children not potty trained.

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